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We value your opinion. We welcome viewers to share their thoughts, opinions, analysis, etc. about the on-going global conflicts and related facts, information, happenings and its effects leading to the ‘Third World War’.

To assist you, we also release ‘Hashtag(s) of the day’. The news which corresponds to the daily hashtag is also updated on our website.

The readers are expected to express their thoughts, opinions, analysis on the given subject or any of the other allied topics. You may choose to include the ‘Hashtag(s) of the day’ for better mass effectiveness. While doing so, readers can use their own Twitter handles, Facebook profiles or pages, Instagram handles, Pinterest accounts, Google Plus profiles or pages, or any other social media platforms like Telegram, YouTube, etc.

You may also put comments on the news updates published by us on our Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, etc. accounts or use the Quote Tweet, etc. feature to write your comments.