Let UN officials visit Xinjiang, China, to inquire about Uyghur people

demand raised in the US human rights meeting

Let UN officials visit Xinjiang, China, to inquire about Uyghur people

Geneva – An insistent demand was made in the UN Human Rights meeting; China should allow impartial observers and officials deputed by the United Nations to enter the Xinjiang province to investigate the atrocities against the Uyghur people. Forty countries supported the statement published with the Canadian initiative. The report also mentions Hongkong and Tibet. The alignment against China over the human rights issue could have significant political implications.

Uyghur peopleA meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission is happening in Geneva. For the last few days, preparations were being made to present a statement against China over the human rights issue. The meeting held last month over the issues of atrocities against the Uyghurs and other minorities in China. The remarks passed by the G-7 regarding China and the concerns expressed by the United States are all a part of the exact alignment against China. Moreover, a few days ago, the group, ‘Inter-parliamentary Alliance on China’, having 20 countries as members, had published an open letter adopting an aggressive stand against China over the Uyghurs issue.

Read more: http://www.newscast-pratyaksha.com/english/un-officials-demand-to-enter-chinas-xinjiang-to-investigate-uyghurs/