Tel Aviv: – An Israeli official had informed last month that the action taken by Israel against Hamas in the previous month was the first AI war in the world. A senior Israeli official had warned that this conflict with Hamas was the first phase of the Israeli mission. If the situation deteriorates, the next step of the conflict could begin in the coming times. This introduced Israel’s advanced technology to the world. Israel announced testing lasers installed on aircraft for neutralising drones. The Israeli officials are claiming that Israel could be the first country in the world to achieve this. They also stated that the proposal to deploy lasers near Gaza is also under consideration.
The Yanat missile test unit of the Israeli air force, Directorate of Defence Research and Development and the Elbit Systems, the manufacturer of defence equipment, carried out these laser tests. A video of the trial, taken last week, was released by Israel’s Defence Ministry on Monday. The laser system developed by Elbit Systems was deployed on a Cessna passenger aeroplane and used against different drones hovering in the Israeli marine region.
All the drones were destroyed in the attacks, with this laser system which has a capacity of about 100 kilowatts. The video released by the Israeli defence ministry shows the laser piercing through the drones and igniting them within seconds. The Israeli Defence Ministry said that the concerned laser could target any aerial objects along with the drones. Brigadier-General Yaniv Rotem, an official from Israel’s Ministry of Research and Development, said that the laser could target things up to a distance of 20 kilometres. Brigadier-General Rotem said that the system could locate and destroy the drone in a matter of seconds.
Israel has achieved historic success in the technology sector through these tests. Rotem claimed that Israel might be the first country to conduct such a test. Or Israel will be one of the few countries with such technology. At the same time, Brigadier-General Rotem said that the Israeli Defence Ministry is considering deploying this laser system near the Gaza border.
As per received information, Israel is planning to deploy these laser systems on military vehicles too. But in stormy conditions, laser strikes from the ground to the air are less effective. It is claimed that lasers deployed on the aeroplane are comparatively more effective. This increases the significance of the tests conducted by the Israeli Defence Ministry.
Meanwhile, the information given by the senior Israeli official regarding the deployment of the laser system near Gaza could come as a shock to terrorist organisations like Hamas and others. This mechanism could make it easier for Israel to carry out precise attacks on terrorist sites in Gaza.
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