Chinese researchers deleted important information to hide origin of Coronavirus

accuses leading US researcher

Chinese researchers deleted important information to hide origin of Coronavirus

Washington/Beijing: – It has been exposed that the Chinese researchers have deleted vital data regarding Coronavirus patients in Wuhan to obstruct the process of finding the origin, in terms of dates and locations, of the Coronavirus pandemic. Leading US researcher Jesse Bloom made this claim in a research paper published regarding this. This claim further endorsed the possibility that the origin of the Coronavirus pandemic is in the laboratory at Wuhan in China. The issue of Wuhan Lab Leak Theory, claiming that the Coronavirus pandemic originated in the laboratory at Wuhan in China, is on the anvil since the last month. Many countries worldwide, including the United States and Europe, have upheld the theory, and varied information surfaced regarding the claim. Reports have been published by a US laboratory and European researchers, which carry information endorsing the claim that Coronavirus was developed in the laboratory at Wuhan. Following this, Jesse Bloom has published this information.   

Chinese researchersProfessor Jesse Bloom, working for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in the United States, is researching Coronavirus. During his research, he found out that the researchers from Wuhan have stored certain patient-related information on an international database. But after a detailed investigation, it was found that this scientific information regarding cases before 2019 has been deleted. Bloom claimed that this information indicated that the origin of Coronavirus is different from the seafood market, as claimed by China.  

Chinese researchersAs per researchers, this claim made by Bloom endorses the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory. Researchers and media pointed out that information regarding this is consistently received for the last few days. A few days ago, the Chief of the British intelligence agency had expressed a suspicion that China must have destroyed all the evidence leading to prove that Wuhan is the origin of the Coronavirus pandemic.   

Meanwhile, a survey conducted by Fox News, the US news channel, shows that 60% of the US population believes in the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory. Furthermore, 50% of the US citizens also reported that the Coronavirus pandemic has had a far-reaching impact on the lifestyle of the US population. A few days ago, it had also been revealed in a survey conducted by Hill-HarrisX that 83% of US citizens demanded that an action should be taken against China in the Wuhan Lab Leak matter.    

Trump criticised the US administration over the issue of Wuhan Lab Theory  

Chinese researchersWashington: – Former US President Donald Trump was the first person to claim that the origin of the Coronavirus pandemic, which started in China, was in Wuhan. Trump fired a salvo of criticism at the Democrats, who had criticised him for the claim. The former President claimed that there were political motives behind accusing the Lab Leak Theory of being fake and hostile.  

The Democrats who tried to prove Trump wrong over the Lab Leak Theory are trying to take the credit for it. In the past, they defied the theory just because Trump was presenting it, and the former President blamed that this may be part of the cancel culture. Trump said that China must have destroyed the evidence regarding the Lab Leak Theory, and despite that, compensations must be demanded from China.  


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