‘Baloch Republic Army’ attacks Pak Army; destroys 3 Pak posts with chants of ‘Azad Balochistan Zindabad!’

‘Baloch Republic Army’ attacks Pak Army; destroys 3 Pak posts with chants of ‘Azad Balochistan Zindabad!’

London / Quetta – The resistance of the people of Balochistan against the oppression of the Pakistan military and their infamous intelligence agency, ISI, has intensified. The freedom fighters of the Baloch Republic Army (BRA), attacked the Pakistani Army and blew away three of their security posts. The group released a video of the attack while raising the slogan – ‘Azad Balochistan Zindabad!’ Anticipating attacks from the BRA fighters in Balochistan, the Pakistan military has reportedly moved their crucial ISI officials to safe hideouts. Furthermore, the Baloch supporters are planning awareness campaigns in Europe, the United States and Canada to strengthen their resolve all over the world for the freedom of Balochistan.

The official channel of the BRA released a video of the attack. The video shows a part of the protests held on the streets of Balochistan opposing the Pakistan military, government and the ISI. Another segment in the video shows the rocket attacks on the Pakistan Army security posts at the Mand town in the Kech district of Balochistan. A commander of BRA has claimed that three security posts of the Pak Army were destroyed in the attack. Moreover, the Baloch commander immediately announced victory for a free Balochistan. The BRA fighters are said to have launched the strike on 27th of February 2019.

The atrocities of the Pakistan government and the military in the resource-rich Balochistan province for decades are expected to blow in Pakistan’s face. Leading analysts even issued a warning to that effect. After the attack by Indian Armed Forces launched against the terror bases of Jaish-e-Mohammed in Pakistan, the time appears nearing for the explosion of the simmering discontent in Balochistan, analysts warn. India’s attack on Balakot left Pakistan panic-stricken and they increased the deployment of forces on the Indo-Pak border.

The Pakistan military has removed its troops deployed in Balochistan region and moved them close to the India-Pakistan border in wake of the India air attack. Analysts predict that the freedom fighters of the groups demanding a free Balochistan would seize the opportunity and attack the Pakistan military in the region.

Meanwhile, to intensify the demand for a ‘Free Balochistan’ at the international level, the Baloch diasporas around the world, have planned huge demonstrations at the end of this month. The organisation of the ‘Free Balochistan Movement’ (FBM) has announced holding protests and awareness campaigns in the British capital of London along with the other main cities in Europe, as well as in the United States and Canada against Pakistan’s ongoing atrocities against the Baloch people. For the past several decades, the Baloch organisations have appealed for an international response against the Islamabad’s atrocities. It is an opportune moment to deliver a ‘Final Strike’ to Pakistan, who has lost its political and financial standing and has yet sought India’s enmity.

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