London / Washington / Moscow: UK Defence Chief, General Sir Nick Carter, warned that the threat of war erupting between the Western countries and Russia has soared for the first time since the Cold War. He also pointed out that the ‘traditional diplomatic tools and mechanisms’ available in Western countries and Russia ‘are no longer active’. The warning issued by the British official becomes significant considering the ongoing deployment and military movements on both sides in Eastern Europe. A few days ago, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had warned European countries about the Russia-Ukraine war.
Moreover, currently, the relations between Russia and the Western countries have festered. This tension has built up over issues such as growing proximity to China, cyberattacks, action on Alexei Navalny and fuel supplies. Thus, this is adding to the events in Ukraine as well as Belarus. Last week, Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence accused Russia of deploying 90,000 troops near the Ukrainian border to create tensions and increase military pressure on Ukraine. Following this, Russia escalated deployment in Belarus amid tensions between Belarus and Europe.
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) member countries, including the United States, have responded to Russia’s move. European member countries, including Ukraine, have increased defence preparedness and increased the rounds of fighter jets and warships. Analysts claim that this has raised the tensions furthermore. At times like that, the warning issued by the Chief of the British Defence Forces becomes noteworthy. Besides, General Sir Carter warned that the new period is a ‘multipolar world’ involving more than one great power, competing for different agendas and mounting tensions.
Furthermore, the UK Defence Chief warned to be ‘careful that people don’t end up allowing the hostile nature of some of our politics to end up in a position where escalation leads to miscalculation.’ He also made aware that the monopolistic regimes could use any means from migrants to cyberattacks to achieve their objectives. General Carter said that the modern environment and the character of conflict and warfare have changed. He also expressed concern that ‘many of the traditional diplomatic tools and mechanisms you and I grew up with during the Cold War are no longer there. And without those tools and mechanisms, there is a greater risk that these escalations or this escalation could lead to miscalculation.’
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