Japan orders inquiry against Confucius Institute promoting Chinese Communist Regime

Japan orders inquiry against Confucius Institute promoting Chinese Communist Regime

Tokyo/Beijing – The Japanese government has decided to inquire into the Confucius Institute, the Chinese organisation, promoting the Chinese Communist Regime. Japanese Education Minister Koichi Hagiuda gave this information. Over the last few years, the United States and European countries have ordered the closure of the Confucius Institute, actively promoting and canvassing the Chinese Communist Regime. Against this background, Japanese lawmakers have raised questions about why these institutes are still operational in Japan.

Confucius InstituteThe Chinese Communist Regime runs a systematic campaign to promote and canvass its ideologies in other countries. This aggressive campaign is run through the media and educational institutions, and Confucius Institute is considered an essential part of this campaign. The Chinese government has set up more than 500 Confucius Institutes in more than 160 countries. Along with the promotion and canvassing of the ideologies of the Chinese regime, it is also accused that these institutes are used for keeping a watch on the Chinese students and other citizens residing in those countries. Furthermore, it has been exposed that attempts of technology and intellectual property thefts have been made through these institutes in the United States. Against this background, the United States and European countries have started an aggressive campaign against the Confucius Institutes, and many countries have indicated that they could be banned.

Read more : http://www.newscast-pratyaksha.com/english/japan-to-conduct-review-of-china-funded-confucius-institute/